Friday, August 14, 2009

Run MarshalPlan (all of it) in Your Web Browser

You can now use your web browser (except Internet Explorer) to run the complete and fully-functional version of the evidence marshaling software MarshalPlan. To run MarshalPlan click on

this link

But keep the following three things in mind:

1. Do NOT use Internet Explorer, at least for the time being. (IE won't work.)

2. You will have to accept a plug-in.

3. When the browser page MarshalPlan appears, click on the button "Enter Marshalplan." If nothing seems to happen, shrink your browser or look under your browser window (but do not close your browser). You should see the stack "Network Manager." You are in MarshalPlan. Click buttons (links).

If you do not wish to use a browser to run MarshalPlan, you still have the option of downloading MarshalPlan. To do so, go here and follow the instructions.


As always, please keep in mind that MarshalPlan is not a prototype of a real-world real-time operating system. In its present configuration, it is more akin to a tinker-toy, suitable for use mainly in the classroom.

In the weeks and months to come, I will post messages that further explain the nature and purposes of MarshalPlan. Stay tuned.


The dynamic evidence page

Coming soon: the law of evidence on Spindle Law

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