Thursday, July 05, 2012

Polonium and Investigation -- Again

Years ago I blogged -- practically as events were unfolding -- about the apparent assassination of Alexander Litvinenko with Polonium. See, e.g., this post. Now the possibility has been suggested that Yasser Arafat met his death the same way. See the NYTimes article What Is Polonium-210 and How Can It Kill? (July 5, 2012).


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Unknown said...

France has opened an investigation into Arafat's death:

Unknown said...

"RAMALLAH, West Bank, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Forensic experts took samples from Yasser Arafat's buried corpse in the West Bank on Tuesday, trying to determine if he was murdered by Israeli agents using the hard-to-trace radioactive poison, Polonium." Jihan Abdallah, "Arafat's grave opened for poison tests," Reuters (Nov. 27, 2012).

Unknown said...

"RAMALLAH, West Bank, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Forensic experts took samples from Yasser Arafat's buried corpse in the West Bank on Tuesday, trying to determine if he was murdered by Israeli agents using the hard-to-trace radioactive poison, Polonium." Jihan Abdallah, "Arafat's grave opened for poison tests," Reuters (Nov. 27, 2012). similar source (same reporter, same day):