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Tillers on Evidence and Inference
Friday, June 19, 2015
Images for Marshaling & Analyzing Evidence #6
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Evidence marshaling software
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mind as a clump of modules
Missing Evidence
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New Jersey's eyewitness identification jury instructions
New Jersey's new jury instructions on eyewitness identification
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NJ jury instructions on eyewitness evidence
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nothing to hide
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NSA collects billions of communications every day
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Obama's courage
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olfactory evidence
one law school dean's compensation
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Open Source Live Code
open source LIVeCode
opening the door
Oscar Handlin
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other crime evidence
padding personal credentials
parable of the ox
part-time versus full-time faculty
party control of proof
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Paul Roberts
Paul Shanley
peer learning
peer review
peer review pretenses
Peggy Noonan
Perlovsky in contrast to Kahneman
Perlovsky on emotion and judgment
personal financial interest of juror
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Peter Tillers
Phantom of Heilbronn
Philip Dawid
Philip Segal
philosophy of science
photographic identification
physical structure of the brain and its logical operations
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physiognomy for identification
picture thinking
picturing evidence argument
picturing proof
plain meaning
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reasonable doubt standard
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recovered memory
reference class and unknown variables
reference class problem
reform of American legal education
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relevance and government surveillance
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religious liberty clinic at Stanford
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representations and intelligence
repressed and recovered memory
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right of face-to-face confrontation in Canada
right to challenge adverse evidfence
right to silence in Australia
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Roberto Unger
robots and trial by jury
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role of stories in legal argument
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Roscoe Pound
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the character bramble bush
the difference between Wales and Whales
the Jimmy Savile Scandal and Mark Thompson and the New York Times
the net and free thought
the plutocratic U.S. Presidency
the product rule
The Reasoner
the wisdom in fuzzy thinking
the wisdom of crowds
theoretical foundations of a set of evidence marshaling procedures
theories of inference
theories of punishment exploded
theory and practice
theory of evidence marshaling
theory of fuzzy sets
thinking small
Thomas Nagel
thrd-party litigation financing
tightened requirements for expert testimony in family cases in England and Wales
Tim van Gelder
time line
time lines
toolmarks identification
tools for building and assessing arguments from and about evidence
tools for juror decision making
Top Ten 2011
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trees and inferences
trial and narrative
trial and truth
trial as moral education
trial as theater
trial by jury in Russia
trial by mathematics
trial by mathematics?
trial by numbers?
trial planning
Trial Use of Videos of Police Interviews of Rape Victims
trials and mathematics
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unconscious inference
uniqueness of fingerprints from same finger
unity or diversity of the underlying logic of intelligence
universities and labor unions
university and law school priorities
unreasonable search
unusual law student
use and abuse of statistics about eyewitness identifications
use of dummy to simulate death
vagueness of legal caasality concepts
variations in gangs
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vehicle in the park
vicious circle
videotaping of confessions
Virtue Theory and Evidence
vision and inference
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visual evidence
visualization and knowledge
visualizing inference
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wasting time
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what is a sidewalk
What is a vehicle?
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whether it matters that firearms or criminals' tools are unique
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work-product doctrine
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world's big brother
wrongful execution
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Zadeh wins major award
zeal and liberty
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06/20 - 06/27
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04/25 - 05/02
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02/29 - 03/07
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07/06 - 07/13
06/29 - 07/06
06/22 - 06/29
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06/01 - 06/08
05/25 - 06/01
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03/09 - 03/16
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12/15 - 12/22
12/08 - 12/15
09/29 - 10/06
09/22 - 09/29
09/15 - 09/22
09/08 - 09/15
09/01 - 09/08
08/25 - 09/01
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