Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Place of Evidence in the Reform of U.S. Legal Education

New York University Law School is apparently undertaking an interesting reform of its 3L educational program. See Peter Lattman, N.Y.U. Law Plans Overhaul of Students’ Third Year, Dealbook (October 16, 2012).  NYU's new 3L programs look enchanting, they are practically "sexy." For example, students can opt to "study[] in Shanghai or Buenos Aires." But, based on the information in the article, it appears that none of NYU's new programs will force or invite 3L students to tackle in a serious way (except through trial and error) how evidence is or might be gathered and assessed. This is most unfortunate.

I can't help wondering whether NYU Law suffers from the mistaken assumption that fact investigation is lower-class work. It might be noted that in the sexy field of international arbitration, the exotic arena of foreign law practice, and the important field of human rights, evidence and facts are quite important.
The dynamic evidence page

Evidence marshaling software MarshalPlan

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