Saturday, September 03, 2005

Anticipate that these statements will be made during the next 100,000 or 1,000,000,000 years

1. "No one anticipated that an asteroid would hit the earth."

2. "No one anticipated that the sun would swell thousands of times."

3. "No one could have anticipated that a volcanic eruption would take place directly below Gotham City."

4. "No one could have anticipated that the fusion reactor would go awry."

5. "No one could have anticipated that a massive hurricane would hit New York City."

6. "No one could have anticipated that a cluster of rapidly-moving neutron stars would rip the planets out of their orbits around the Sun."

7. "No one could have anticipated that rebels would commandeer a star ship and steer it into our country's capital city."

8. "No one could have anticipated that glaciers would start to grow at a rapid rate."

9. "No one could have anticipated that the sun would begin to cool at a rapid rate."

10. "We can anticipate that many public officials will say in years to come that colossal disasters were not anticipated and could not have been anticipated."

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