The world is not as real as we think.Is it possible that human beings are also more weird than most academic observers seem to think?My personal opinion is that the world is even weirder than what quantum physics tells us.
The world is not as real as we think.Is it possible that human beings are also more weird than most academic observers seem to think?My personal opinion is that the world is even weirder than what quantum physics tells us.
In an essay recently in Nature, Dr. [Anton] Zeilinger sought to find meaning in the very randomness that plagued Einstein."The discovery that individual events are irreducibly random is probably one of the most significant findings of the 20th century," Dr. Zeilinger wrote.
Dr. Zeilinger suggested that reality and information are, in a deep sense, indistinguishable, a concept that Dr. Wheeler, the Princeton physicist, called "it from bit."
In information, the basic unit is the bit, but one bit, he says, is not enough to specify both the spin and the trajectory of a particle. So one quality remains unknown, irreducibly random.
As a result of the finiteness of information, he explained, the universe is fundamentally unpredictable.
"I suggest that this randomness of the individual event is the strongest indication we have of a reality 'out there' existing independently of us," Dr. Zeilinger wrote in Nature.
He added, "Maybe Einstein would have liked this idea after all."
Yes, Article II of the articles of impeachment against Richard Nixon charged that Nixon's domestic surveillance had been done "for purposes unrelated to national security, the enforcement of laws, or any other lawful function of his office." Nixon himself, however, did not see things that way: he (or his counsel) asserted that the electronic surveillance that he had authorized was justified by national security considerations. This is also the claim that the current President makes. Of course, even if one assumes that unilateral executive domestic electronic surveillance is sometimes legally permissible, the secrecy that still surrounds the domestic electronic surveillance unilaterally authorized by President Bush makes it rather difficult to determine if the surveillance unrelated to national security was carried out. In any event, the reaction of the country and Congress to Watergate and Nixon's abuses of power to Watergate effectively rejected Nixon's claim that Article II of the Constitution of the United States confers on the President unilateral and judicially-unreviewable power to conduct any electronic surveillance of U.S. citizens that the President deems to be necessary for national security.
Immanuel Kant wrote a tract called Perpetual Peace. This President should write a screed called Perpetual War. Perhaps he has already done so?
A federal judge has resigned from a special court set up to oversee government surveillance, apparently in protest of President Bush's secret authorization of a domestic spying program on people with suspected terrorist ties.
U.S. District Judge James Robertson would not comment Wednesday on his resignation, but The Washington Post reported that it stemmed from deep concern that the surveillance program Bush authorized was legally questionable and may have tainted the work of the court.
Christopher J. Buccafusco, Gaining/Losing Perspective on the Law, or Keeping Visual Evidence in Perspective, 58 U. Miami L. Rev. 609, -- n.8 (2004):The difference between law teachers and their students may be generational. But law professors' lack of interest in and, sometimes, antipathy to the study of evidentiary use of digital images may reflect a professional academic prejudice (or preference), a prejudice in favor of the word. Many law teachers are interested in digital technology as a form of intellectual property, but this subject is very different from the use of images, whether in the classroom or the courtroom, as a means of communication.Most of the scholarship in this area [use of digital media as evidence] has come from law students in law review notes. See, e.g., id.; John Selbak, Comment, Digital Litigation: The Prejudicial Effects of Computer-Generated Animation in the Courtroom, 9 High Tech. L. J. 337 (1994); Elan E. Weinreb, Note, 'Counselor, Proceed With Caution': The Use of Integrated Evidence Presentation Systems and Computer-Generated Evidence in the Courtroom, 23 Cardozo L. Rev. 393 (2001); Jill Witkowski, Note, Can Juries Really Believe What They See? New Foundational Requirements for the Authentication of Digital Images, 10 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 267 (2002).
I am skeptical that the legal profession as a whole is hostile to picture-thinking: to judge by actions, practicing lawyers -- including trial lawyers -- stand ready to embrace any technology that serves their self-oriented interests. (A hefty book for trial lawyers about visual evidence has been in the market for decades. See Gregory P. Joseph, MODERN VISUAL EVIDENCE (2003)(perhaps not the most recent edition).) It does not follow that judges are as receptive to digital images as trial lawyers are.
Not all law teachers are uninterested in the use of visual images in trials. Professor Jennifer, Mnookin, now at UCLA Law School, is perhaps the most prominent exception. See, e.g., Jennifer L. Mnookin, The Image of Truth: Photographic Evidence and the Power of Analogy, 10 Yale J. L. & Human. 1, 17 (1998). A more surprising -- and therefore more interesting -- exception is a prominent old-timer: Professor Paul Carrington of Duke University School of Law. See Paul Carrington, Virtual Civil Litigation: A Visit to John Bunyan's Celestial City, 98 Colum. L. Rev. 1516 (1998).
Some law teachers and other observers may be interested in the use of images in trials primarily because they are interested in the cultural significance of this use. However, as a weathered (wizened?) epistemologist and student of the law of evidence, I am mainly interested in the impact of images on the accuracy of factual proof. However, being philosophically inclined, I am acutely aware that it is difficult (and perhaps even unwise) to completely separate questions of knowledge from questions of value. Mainly I just want to announce that this blog does not presage my return to neo-Hegelian jargon or the use of words such as "decentered."A few other law teachers with some interest in the use of visual images in trials are listed at Blog: Picturing Argument from & about Evidence in the 21st Century: A Conference (Dec. 3, 2005).
Sidelight: my course in Advanced Evidence may take a gander at visual evidence and persuasion, but the extent to which this happens depends almost entirely on the preferences of the student members of this seminar. See also the nascent Visual Evidence, Argument & Persuasion Page.
A merry and joyous Christmas to one and all!
(The names of several additional panelists will be announced soon.)Tim van Gelder (U. of Melbourne)
John L. Pollock (U. of Arizona)
Philip Dawid (U. College London)
Douglas Walton (U. of Winnipeg)
Branden Fitelson (U. of California – Berkeley)
Priit Parmakson (Tallinn University, Tallinn, Estonia)
Dale Nance (Case School of Law)
William Twining (U. College London & U. of Miami)
Andrew Palmer (U. of Melbourne)
David Schum (George Mason U.)
Richard Lempert (U. of Michigan & National Science Foundation)
Henry Prakken (Utrecht University)
Chris Reed (U. of Dundee)
Vern Walker (Hofstra U.)
John Josephson (Ohio State University)
Neal Feigenson (Quinnipiac Law School)
Richard Sherwin (New York Law School)
Jennifer Mnookin (UCLA))
Peter Tillers (Cardozo Law School, Yeshiva University)
Ron Loui (Washington University, St. Louis)
Samuel Solomon (CEO of DOAR, Inc.)
Thomas Cobb (University of Washington School of Law)
Wigmore, however, was not the first person to diagram argument from or about evidence. William Lambarde did so in the seventeenth century -- his handbook for justices of the peace contained a diagram depicting the temporal sequence of events in issue and events that serve as evidence, or indicia, of such events in issue -- and even Lambarde's diagrams apparently drew on diagrams constructed much earlier. See B. Shapiro, INTELLECTUAL HISTORY, PROBABILITY, AND THE LAW OF EVIDENCE: "Beyond Reasonable Doubt" and "Probable Cause": Historical Perspectives on the Anglo-American Law of Evidence 152-154 (1991).
Whittington, Sr. v. The Nordham Group, 2005 U.S. App. LEXIS 25685 (10th Cir., Nov. 29, 2005) (civil action for damages under Age Discrimination in Employment Act; plaintiff was 62 years old when terminated; plaintiff relied in part on evidence showing that a similarly-situated employee of age 57 was not terminated):
Nordam relies on cases from the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Circuits in arguing that we should adopt a bright-line rule that five years is an insignificant difference in age as a matter of law. None of those courts, however, applies such a bright-line rule. ...Cf., e.g., the recent case McEwen v. Tennessee Dept. of Safety, 173 S.W.3d 815; 2005 Tenn. App. LEXIS 157 (March 22, 2005) (dispute over forfeiture of personal property for illegal sale of controlled substances; Court of Appeals rejected owner's contention that evidence of facts warranting forfeiture was insufficient):In our view, a definitive five-year rule is unjustified. ...
To the extent that other circuits establish a direct-evidence requirement when the age difference is less than five years, we choose not to follow them. The authorities are legion that circumstantial evidence can be every bit as compelling as direct evidence. See, e.g., Rogers v. Missouri P. R. Co., 352 U.S. 500, 508 n.17, 77 S. Ct. 443, 1 L. Ed. 2d 493 (1957) (citing The Robert Edwards, 19 U.S. (6 Wheat.) 187, 190, 5 L. Ed. 238 (1821)) ("Circumstantial evidence is not only sufficient, but may also be more certain, satisfying and persuasive than direct evidence."); United States v. Becker, 62 F.2d 1007, 1010 (2d Cir. 1933) (Hand, J.) ("The requirement [that the jury be separately charged as to circumstantial evidence] seems to us a refinement which only serves to confuse laymen into supposing that they should use circumstantial evidence otherwise than testimonial."); 1A John Henry Wigmore, Evidence 26 (Peter Tillers rev. 1983) ("Wigmore's view that circumstantial evidence may be as persuasive and as compelling as testimonial evidence, and sometimes more so, is now generally accepted."). We decline to set rigid guidelines and will leave to the jury the evaluation of the evidence, subject as always to the oversight of the district court to refuse to permit unreasonable findings.
Direct and circumstantial evidence is equally relevant, NEIL P. COHEN ET AL., TENNESSEE LAW OF EVIDENCE § 4.01[5], at 4-10 (4th ed. 2000), and equally probative. See, e.g., State v. Kirchner, 600 N.W.2d 330, 334 (Iowa Ct. App. 1999); State v. Marsh, 278 Kan. 520, 102 P.3d 445, 450 (Kan. 2004); State v. Jenks, 61 Ohio St. 3d 259, 574 N.E.2d 492, 502 (Ohio 1991); State v. Cherry, 361 S.C. 588, 606 S.E.2d 475, 481 (S.C. 2004); see also 1A JOHN H. WIGMORE, EVIDENCE § 26 (Tillers rev. 1983). Accordingly, litigants may prove any material fact by direct or circumstantial evidence or a combination of both, State v. Phillips, 138 S.W.3d 224 at 230; Brown v. Daly, 83 S.W.3d 153, 160 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2001), and in certain situations, circumstantial evidence may be more convincing than direct evidence. United States v. Robinson, 177 F.3d 643, 648 (7th Cir. 1999); Estate of Brock ex rel. Yadon v. Rist, 63 S.W.3d 729, 731 (Tenn. Ct. App. 2001).
The paper's abstract reads:
In many ways the case was unremarkable. It involved a traffic fatality that may have involved drunken driving, a tragic but common occurrence. This unremarkable case -- the criminal action of State of New Jersey v. Petro Radziwil, Indictment No. 1257-8-86 -- is nevertheless noteworthy. Radziwil raises important questions about an important part of the law of evidence: the relationship between habit evidence and character evidence. But the questions that Radziwil presents reach beyond the law of evidence. The criminal justice system is disproportionately populated with unsavory people, unpleasant people, stubborn people, and strong-willed people. Criminal defendants are frequently both unsavory and unpleasant, and many witnesses -- including prosecution witnesses -- share these traits. Prosecutors and criminal defense counsel, although not as a rule unsavory, can be unusually strong-willed and stubborn, and judges who preside in criminal cases may become hardened not just to the suffering of victims but also to the plight of those who cause harm. This combination of character traits has the making of a toxic brew. There is reason to worry about the capacity of strong-willed actors such as police officers and trial judges to make sound judgments about the unpleasant and unsavory people -- criminal defendants and witnesses -- that they routinely encounter while performing their assigned chores in the criminal justice system. The story of Petro Radziwil illustrates how personal likes and dislikes, and the prejudices of actors in the criminal process, can affect the outcomes of criminal proceedings. The story of Petro Radziwil also raises the question of whether much can be done to scrub the criminal process clean of the influence of the biases and emotions of the people who shape that process.
The Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer's response to the quotation from my decision excluding the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance seems to suggest that my complaint over the lack of guidance offered by the Supreme Court was a personal one. ... The intention [presumably J. Karlton's], however, was to note an institutional problem. [There is more. But I refrain from further quotation; buy the issue and read for yourselves.]Now this exchange (between a high judicial luminary and one that inhabits the nether regions of the federal judiciary) in a periodical that is sometimes practically funereal may not strike you as revolutionary. But, my fellow bloggers, au contraire: It is only a matter of time before such extrajudicial judicial argument spills over into widely-read periodicals such as New York's Daily News and, ultimately [horrors!?], into the blogosphere. As one eminent poobah recently said, "What's the point of writing something that no one reads?" Well, as all bloggers know, the best way to reach a world-wide audience is via the world wide web. Hence: the phenomenon of the j-blog is nigh.
Yes, I know, I know: Judge Richard Posner has been blogging for some time (with his spiritual kith and kin, the Chicago economist Gary Becker). But Judge Posner, I believe, has refrained from using his blog to defend his judicial opinions. (Am I wrong? I haven't read every blog written by Posner. [In my defense: It is beyond any human being's capacity to read everything written by Posner: Posner's pen moves faster than the eye. Posner himself has supra-human eyes and rapidly-moving word-processing fingers; and the electrical impulses in Judge Posner's brain clearly outrun the speed of light. {The existence of Richard Posner disproves Einstein!}])
The evidence against Avery for the 2005 murder of Halbach seems very strong. One question raised by the evidence of Avery's complicity in the 2005 murder is whether the exoneration of Avery for the rape and attempted murder of Beernsten was a mistake.
I cannot answer this question; I do not know the evidence in either case well enough. But it is pertinent to note that Avery's exoneration of the 1985 rape and attempted murder rested -- so newspaper accounts suggest -- on a single hair. See Michelle Kubitz, Avery One Year Later, Herald Times Reporter (September 10, 2004):
Sept. 10, 2003: State Crime Lab tests on 13 hairs recovered from the victim [Penny Beerntsen] at the crime scene indicates that one [emphasis added by P. Tillers] of them did not match Avery's. That sample of DNA matches that of Wisconsin inmate Gregory Allen, who is serving a 60-year sentence for a different sexual assault in Brown County.Question: If Steven Avery did indeed rape and try to kill Beernsten, how did one of Gregory Allen's hairs end up on Penny Beernsten?
I surely don't know the answer. But, as I suggested in one of my earlier posts, one possibility should be investigated. Newspaper reports suggest that in 1985 Steven Avery and Gregory Allen lived in the same area or neighborhood. If that is the case, it might be useful to know (i) whether Avery and Allen knew each other in 1985; (ii) if they did, whether they spent time together in 1985 or whether they were perhaps even close chums; and (iii) if they did spend time with each other and were acquaintances in 1985, whether they engaged in activities (e.g., touch football games, other physical horseplay with each other, joint hunting trips, sitting on the same couch in Avery's house or Allen's house) that might have resulted in the transfer of one of Allen's hairs to Avery or to Avery's clothing.
Some of the recent studies described in the article involve the study of the brain activity during hypnosis. According to some current neuroscientific theory, "top-down" processing is very important in the brain's interpretation of sensory inputs:
One area that it may have illuminated is the processing of sensory data. Information from the eyes, ears and body is carried to primary sensory regions in the brain. From there, it is carried to so-called higher regions where interpretation occurs.Some of the studies described in the NYTimes article show that such top-down processing can be so powerful that it can make a human beings "see" the color red when in fact some other color is plainly before the human actor's eyes. This sort of one finding is one reason why students of the law of evidence should be interested in these recent neuroscientific studies. Such studies may have a bearing on controversies about the appropriate treatment of witnesses who have been hypnotized. But the studies may also have implications for the more general question of the "suggestibility" of witnesses and the implantation or development of false memories and beliefs. However, as always, whether such studies have any immediate practical implications depends very much on the details. The mere insight that the human mind is an active participant in perception -- like the insight, or conclusion, that expectations are capable of altering or falsifying perceptions (or conclusions based on perception) -- is not new. One needs to know, for example, under what circumstances various kinds of changes in (conclusions based on) perceptions occur, what the magnitude of such changes is, and so on.For example, photons bouncing off a flower first reach the eye, where they are turned into a pattern that is sent to the primary visual cortex. There, the rough shape of the flower is recognized. The pattern is next sent to a higher - in terms of function - region, where color is recognized, and then to a higher region, where the flower's identity is encoded along with other knowledge about the particular bloom.
The same processing stream, from lower to higher regions, exists for sounds, touch and other sensory information. Researchers call this direction of flow feedforward. As raw sensory data is carried to a part of the brain that creates a comprehensible, conscious impression, the data is moving from bottom to top.
Bundles of nerve cells dedicated to each sense carry sensory information. The surprise is the amount of traffic the other way, from top to bottom, called feedback. There are 10 times as many nerve fibers carrying information down as there are carrying it up.
These extensive feedback circuits mean that consciousness, what people see, hear, feel and believe, is based on what neuroscientists call "top down processing." What you see is not always what you get, because what you see depends on a framework built by experience that stands ready to interpret the raw information - as a flower or a hammer or a face.
There is more in the article -- much more. I strongly suggest you read it -- and then dip into further literature in this area.
The meaning of legal rules -- such as rules of evidence -- depends only in part, but in essential part on how such rules work. To wit: You do not know the meaning of a legal rule of evidence unless and until you know how the rule works and the consequences that the rule (in its environment) produces. Given this, law professors should be devoting massive amounts of energy to study of scholarship in artificial intelligence a/k/a computational intelligence.
I reiterate this preachy conclusion only because a recent UAI list call for papers [CFP] caught my eye and because this CFP, like many other UAI CFPs, reminded me of how little we law teachers (and, very probably, law and economics scholars) know about the meaning and workings of legal rules. [UAI is the acronym for "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence."] Take a gander at these extracts from a CFP for a forthcoming (May 8 & 9, 2006) program of CLIMA VII, Seventh International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, at Future University, Hakodate, Japan, http://www.fun.ac.jp/aamas2006/:
Multi-Agent Systems are communities of problem-solving entities that can perceive and act upon their environment to achieve their individual goals as well as joint goals. ...The process of litigation and proof involves "multiple agents", such agents (lawyers, clients, judges, other actors) are "problem-solving entities", such agents "can perceive and act upon their environment", they can act to "achieve ... individual as well as joint goals."Computational logic provides a well-defined, general, and rigorous framework for studying syntax, semantics and procedures for various tasks by individual agents, as well as interaction amongst agents in multi-agent systems ....
Consider for a moment some of kinds of methods that are used to try to decipher multi-agent systems:
* logical foundations of (multi-)agent systemsDoes the above list of topics suggest that legal scholars have something to learn from their brothers and sisters in computational intelligence and allied fields?
* extensions of logic programming for (multi-)agent systems
* modal logic approaches to (multi-)agent systems
* logic-based programming languages for (multi-)agent systems
* non-monotonic reasoning in (multi-)agent systems
* decision theory for (multi-)agent systems
* agent and multi-agent hypothetical reasoning and learning
* theory and practice of argumentation for agent reasoning and interaction
* knowledge and belief representation and updates in (multi-)agent systems
* operational semantics and execution agent models
* model checking algorithms, tools, and applications for (multi-) agent logics
* semantics of interaction and agent communication languages
* distributed constraint satisfaction in multi-agent systems
* temporal reasoning for (multi-)agent systems
* distributed theorem proving for multi-agent systems
* logic-based implementations of (multi-)agent systems
* specification and verification of formal properties of (multi-) agent systems
Interdisciplinary work is hard. Interdisciplinary work is humbling. And interdisciplinary work demands humility. I often think that law teachers would do more and better interdisciplinary work if they (law teachers) were not so determined to show how smart they are. There are many intelligent people on earth, and many of them are in disciplines other than law, and some of those people know things law teachers don't. I have found that confessing ignorance while approaching smart people in other disciplines is a fruitful strategy. Your colleagues in foreign disciplines will be flattered by your interest and they will often take the time to explain things to you. Oh yes, remember this: you know some things they don't know, and you're not as stupid as you may sometimes feel you are.
BTW, some law & economics literature seems determined to talk about decision but not about inference. Isn't this is a fundamental mistake? If some of the actors or agents in the environment that one wishes to understand and explain have inferential mechanisms or processes in their souls, isn't it clear that the behavior of such agents ordinarily cannot be predicted well if little or no account is taken of the agents' inferential processes? (And please note, you law & economics folk: those inferential mechanism and processes are extraordinarily complicated, and simplifying such processes "for the sake of argument" is often unjustified.)
DNA evidence, which freed Steven Avery after he spent 18 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit, will now be used to charge him with a crime that could return him to prison for the rest of his life.
Friday's announcement that Avery will be charged with killing Teresa Halbach also means Avery will likely become the first person in the nation charged with a homicide after being exonerated by DNA.
Halbach's vehicle, spattered with blood, was found a week ago in the Manitowoc County auto salvage yard owned by Avery's family. On Friday, authorities said tests confirmed that Avery's DNA was in the vehicle and on the ignition key, which was found hidden in Avery's home on the property.
Avery, 43, became the marquee case for the Wisconsin Innocence Project two years ago when the University of Wisconsin Law School program proved with DNA evidence that he did not commit a 1985 sexual assault in Manitowoc County.
Investigators say Halbach was last seen the afternoon of Oct. 31 when she visited Avery's home to take a photo for Auto Trader of a vehicle he was selling. ...
Asked about Halbach by the Journal Sentinel on Monday, Avery said she was "not my type" because he liked women who weren't as slim.
Calumet County District Attorney Ken Kratz, the special prosecutor in the Halbach case [because of Avery's lawsuit against Manitowoc County for wrongful imprisonment on the 20 year-old rape case], said he believes [Halbach] was killed the same day that she visited Avery's home, a trailer that is adjacent to the family's auto salvage yard. ...
. ... [I]nvestigators said in obtaining search warrants that they believed Halbach was sexually assaulted.
The investigators searched the auto salvage yard, Avery's trailer, a garage and other parts of the sprawling family property. Court records show they found what appeared to be blood on Avery's home, in his bathroom, in the garage and on "a number" of vehicles in the salvage yard.
The records also show that the searchers found, on unspecified parts of the property, remains of a woman, remnants of clothing and what appeared to be a cell phone and camera, all of which had been burned, as well as handcuffs, leg irons, sexual devices and pornographic materials.
Avery's mother, Dolores Avery, maintained that her son is innocent.
"I don't know why the hell they do that stuff," she said of the plan to charge Avery with killing Halbach. "They must like wrecking people's lives."
Sheriff's Department records show that shortly after a woman was sexually assaulted on a beach in July 1985, Manitowoc police raised Gregory Allen as a potential suspect. It was Allen's DNA that was found in 2003 in testing of evidence found on the victim.
Findley, of the Wisconsin Innocence Project, said Avery's being charged with Halbach's killing, while tragic, does not change the fact that a judge declared him innocent of the sexual assault. ...
A quarter century ago, after the chaos of Mao's Cultural Revolution, China essentially had no legal system. In that context, it has made significant strides. The 1996 reforms were intended to shift toward an adversarial trial process, modeled in part after the American system. Instead, the reforms have become most notable for what was left out.
"They didn't put in rules of evidence," said Jonathan Hecht, deputy director of the China Law Center at Yale University. "They didn't put in requirements that witnesses appear at trial. Lawyers weren't given the ability to really prepare a case. They kind of created the shell of an adversarial process, but they didn't create the guts of it."
A Wisconsin man who spent 18 years in prison for rape until being exonerated by DNA evidence in 2003 will be charged with killing a woman whose vehicle was found near his home, a prosecutor said Friday. Steven Avery's blood was found inside Teresa Halbach's sport utility vehicle, said Calumet County District Attorney Ken Kratz, who plans to charge Avery by Tuesday. Avery has denied involvement in the disappearance of Halbach, 25, who was last seen Oct. 31. The freelance photographer had three appointments that day to take pictures of vehicles for sale, including one at a salvage yard owned by Avery's family in Manitowoc County, about 25 miles south of Green Bay.Transcript from Nancy Grace Show, "Prosecutors Zero in on Suspect in Murder of Teresa Halbach," (November 11, 2005):
RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY [for Avery]: Well, Harris, I have to pick myself off the floor here because Wendy [Murphy] just blew me away. I got to tell you something. There`s not going to be a new trial in the old case because he was completely vindicated. Vindicated! It was reversed. The conviction was reversed. He was wrongfully imprisoned for 18 years.The Innocence Projects do wonderful work. But perhaps this case shows (again) that great care should be taken before claims are made that this or that DNA "proves" this or that man's (or woman's) innocence. There is no conclusive proof of innocence (or guilt). See P. Tillers, DNA Redux to the Fourth Power: Thoughts Inspired by -- but Not necessarily Faithful to the Facts and Recent Developments in the Central Park Jogger "Wilding" Case, in Tillers on Evidence and Inference (blog), September 8, 2002.
P.P.S. The malefactor who killed Teresa Halbach apparently burned her body in an effort to destroy the evidence. But the effort at evidence destruction was not entirely successful -- burned bone, teeth, and blood were found in Halbach's car -- and the body parts and fluids that remained after the fire were apparently such that at least some DNA testing could be done on them. DNA apparently plays a role in the Avery-Halbach homicide case in another way: DNA testing strongly suggests that Avery was the source of some of the blood found in Teresa Halbach's car. This evidence suggests that sometimes it may be appropriate to say:
I can't help wondering if the truly-unfortunate Ms. Penny Beerntsen still thinks that the lineup identifications used in her case mistakenly led her to identify Avery as the culprit. Ms. Beernsten was apparently persuaded that her initial recollection and belief that Avery was the rapist was wrong. The Wisconsin Law Journal, id., reported, "Yet even though [Ms. Beernsten] knows that Avery was not the one, she still sees his image when she recalls the attack, so suggestive were the identification procedures then in place, and still in place throughout the state." The Avery-Beernsten case may yet demonstrate that suggestive procedures may lead witnesses to incorrect conclusions -- but, if so, the lesson here may be that well-intentioned and passionate reformers are also capable of implanting false thoughts in the minds of witnesses. This case really may prove to be a terrible twist of fate -- and of human gullibility (in many places).
Almost four years ago, Petitioner Hamdan was captured by indigenous forces while attempting to flee Afghanistan and return his family to Yemen. After being turned over to American forces, he was taken in June 2002 to Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, where he was placed with the general detainee population at Camp Delta. ... In July 2003, the President found that Petitioner was eligible for trial by commission. Accordingly, he was placed in solitary confinement from December 2003 until late October 2004 ....The Brennan-Warren Court may have made mistakes. But in one respect that Court was not mistaken: We must fear any government that imprisons or executes people without any semblance of due process of law. Public perception that a great public emergency exists is distressingly easy to manufacture. But a bit of perspective is in order. Our times are not more threatening than was the era of the Cold War, a time when the threat of nuclear annihilation loomed. The Presidency did not claim the power then that it does now. There is not more reason to suspend fundamental civil liberties now than there was in the 1950s and 1960s."[The United States District Court for the District of Columbia] ruled that [military] commissions [appointed by the President] may be used only to hear offenses that are triable under the laws of war, including the Geneva Conventions; that the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War ... is judicially enforceable; and that, as long as [Hamdan's] prisoner-of-war (POW) status is in doubt, Petitioner [Hamdan] must be tried by court-martial. ...
... [T]he court of appeals reversed the district court in an opinion written by Judge Randolph and joined by Judge Roberts [now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States] in full and Judge Williams (in part). [footnote omitted] ...
...[T]he court of appeals largely based its ruling on [the Supreme Court's] Eisentrager decision, accepting the President's claim of power to convene a commission to try most any offense, against any offender (including a United States citizen or nationals of any country in the world), in any place (including the United States). The President was allowed that power not for a fixed time, such as a war declared against a specific nation-state, but rather for perpetuity against an amorphous enemy that could include nationals of every country in the world. In these tribunals, the President was given the power to disregard not only American common-law and military law, but international law--despite the fact that the raison d'etre of commissions is to enforce international law.
In the end, the court of appeals held that the President has the power to decide how a detainee is classified ..., how he is treated, what criminal process he will face, what rights he will have, who will judge him, how he will be judged, upon what crimes he will be sentenced, and how the sentence will be carried out. The President is [allegedly] entitled to "pas[s] sentences and ... carr[y] out ... executions" through commissions, even if they do not "afford[d] all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by a civilized people." ...
This reversal of the district court cannot be correct. The Revolution was fought to ensure that no man, or branch of government, could be so powerful. In a system of checks and balances, there can never be a time when the rule of law does not circumscribe power as fundamental as adjudicating culpability and punishment. Our forefathers paid a heavy price in blood to establish these principles, and it is our duty to defend them from all threats, foreign or domestic.
Mr. Yang, who leads a small experimental university in Ningbo, also criticized the lack of autonomy given to many Chinese researchers.This happens at Princeton, you say?"At Princeton one mathematician spent nine years without publishing a paper, and then solved a problem that had been around for 360 years," Mr. Yang said, a reference to Andrew J. Wiles and his solution to Fermat's last theorem in the early 1990's. "No one minded that, because they appreciate the dedication to hard work there. We don't have that spirit yet in China."
Does it happen anywhere else in these dear United States?
Do you have juries?We have no jury at all. Most cases are heard by one judge, but we can also have three judges. ... In complex civil and criminal cases there are three judges, and two of them can be specialists -- for example, plumbers, engineers, or medical doctors. These expert judges are not lawyers.
These people serve as expert witnesses?
No, they aren't expert witnesses in the American sense -- we have no expert witnesses per se. These specialists are called by the court, and they play almost the same role in the procedure as the full-time judges.
While artificial intelligence technology is already in use in telephone answering systems with speech recognition and in popular household gadgets like the iRobot vacuum cleaner, none of the existing systems have been as ambitious as Darpa's Grand Challenge road race.N.B. Probability theory is essential. But it's not the whole story. And probability theory may not be the only coherent and effective mathematical strategy for dealing with uncertainty and shades of gray.This leap was possible, in large part, because researchers are moving from an approach that relied principally on logic and rule-based systems to more probability or statistics-oriented software technologies.
"In the past A.I. has been dominated by symbolic systems and now the world is gray," said Terrence J. Sejnowski, head of the computational neurobiology laboratory at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif. "That's what it's like to deal with the real world."
3. Defendant's motion to preclude all testimony and exhibits that seek to attribute human qualities or attributes to plaintiff's dogThe issue to be tried is whether defendant's actions on April 8, 1998, violated plaintiffs' constitutional and state law rights. Evidence that would seek to attribute human characteristics to the dog is not relevant and will be excluded.
The pictures attached to defendant's motion must be examined under a Rule 403 analysis. The first picture, of the parking lot at the location of the incident, is clearly admissible. The picture of the dog and the child on the couch with the child thinking "we're best buddies" is excluded under Rule 403. The third picture attached to the motion shows one of plaintiffs' children leaning on the dog, who is [lying] on the floor. It is admissible because it is evidence of how well behaved the dog was with people and is not unfairly prejudicial to the defendant. The fourth picture shows the dog by herself wearing a large bow around her neck. Unless the dog was wearing this collar when shot on April 8, 1998, the picture is excluded under Rule 403.
4. Defendant's motion in limine to preclude all character testimony related to plaintiff's dog
Plaintiffs seek to introduce testimony establishing the friendly nature of their dog in an attempt to refute defendant's claim that she lunged at him. Defendant argues that such testimony is inadmissible character evidence under Federal Rule of Evidence 404.
We have not found any Pennsylvania or Third Circuit cases addressing whether evidence of past behavior of an animal should be excluded under Rule 404, however, the highest courts of several states have admitted such evidence. See Hood v. Hagler, 1979 OK 163, 606 P.2d 548, 551-52 (Okla. 1979); Forsythe v. Kluckhohn, 161 Iowa 267, 271, 142 N.W. 225 (Iowa 1913); Stone v. Pendleton, 21 R.I. 332, 43 A. 643, 643-44 (R.I. 1899); see also 1A Wigmore, Evidence § 68a (Tillers rev. 1983). I will not exclude evidence concerning Immi's disposition as inadmissible character evidence.
8. Defendant's motion in limine to preclude the expert report of Andrew Bensing
Plaintiffs seek to have Andrew Bensing testify as an expert on the behavior of Rottweilers. He would testify to the behavior of female Rottweilers as a breed and the behavior of Immi in particular. Defendant challenges the testimony on three grounds: (1) that it would be inadmissible character evidence; (2) that Mr. Bensing's experience with the dog would be irrelevant because it ended over a year before the shooting; and (3) that it does not satisfy the prong of the Daubert analysis that requires a "fit" between the expert testimony and the facts of the case.
The objection to the testimony as inadmissible character evidence is taken care of by my ruling on character testimony in general. Testimony about Immi's past behavior is admissible.
That Mr. Bensing's frequent contact with the dog ended a year before the incident does not render his testimony irrelevant. Mr. Bensing had extended contact with Immi for over two years and then occasional contact with her until her death. Defendant may point out to the jury that Mr. Bensing's time with the dog was only occasional for a year before her death, but he cannot preclude his testimony entirely.
Defendant's argument about the "fit" step of the Daubert analysis will be considered at a Daubert hearing.
9. Defendant's motion in limine to limit testimony regarding the valuation of plaintiff's dog
Under Pennsylvania law a dog is personal property. 3 P.S. § 459-601 (2002); Desanctis v. Pritchard, 2002 PA Super 221, 803 A.2d 230, 232 (Pa. Super. 2002) 3 P.S. § 459-601 (2002). It is proper as regards the section 1983 claim, therefore, to limit testimony regarding the value of the dog to that addressing its value as a piece of personal property. No testimony regarding the value of Immi to the plaintiffs in particular will be admitted as evidence regarding the valuation of the dog.
Computation with information described in natural language cannot be dealt with through the use of machinery of natural language processing. The problem is semantic imprecision of natural languages. More specifically, a natural language is basically a system for describing perceptions. Perceptions are intrinsically imprecise, reflecting the bounded ability of sensory organs, and ultimately the brain, to resolve detail and store information. Semantic imprecision of natural languages is a concomitant of imprecision of perceptions.Legal theorists, students of legal reasoning, and aficionados of factual inference in legal settings: What say you?
Our decision to reverse is based on an erroneous legal ruling that operated to deprive all three defendants of their right to confront the witnesses against them, as guaranteed by the Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, as applied to the states by the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, and as independently embodied in Article I, Paragraph 10 of the New Jersey Constitution. This constitutional deprivation came about when the trial court precluded defense counsel from cross-examining a key prosecution witness on the results of a stipulated polygraph examination, because these defendants were not parties to the stipulation.We hold that when the State enters into an agreement with a witness, stipulating to the admissibility of the results of that witness's polygraph examination, a defendant has a constitutional right to confront that witness, in cross-examination, with the results of the polygraph, as a means of impeaching that witness's credibility. As a matter of fundamental fairness, we also hold that, under these circumstances, the State is precluded from disavowing the reliability of the polygraph results.
Fie on both of your houses, on (some of) you Democrats and on Republican Bush-sycophants! Whether we like it or not, in our constitutional scheme a Supreme Court Justice must have some of the qualities of both a philosopher king and a Biblical scholar. The Supreme Court leads not only and not even primarily by reason of its coercive legal authority. The Supreme Court leads in very significant part by reason of the lucidity and the persuasiveness of its pronouncements.
Although Miers cannot be called one of the country's preeminent private lawyers, she did have an impressive record in private practice. But nothing in her record attests to her ability to explain her vision of American constitutional principles to other people, either to lawyers or to the country as a whole. (Indeed, nothing in her record suggests even her ability to divine, or infer, plausible constitutional principles from the text, history, and philosophy of the U.S. Constitution.)
Harriet Miers is not a street cleaner. She is unquestionably intelligent. It also appears that she has been a zealous and effective advocate for her clients. But, my dear Senators, the question now is the composition of the Supreme Court. Not every intelligent person, not every canny person, and not every successful legal practitioner is qualified to prescribe and explain the legal rules that constitute the foundation of the American system of government.
Well, perhaps not.
Let's see if we can clarify her position. Let's apply Miers' interpretive strategy to "strict construction." Isn't that fair?
The first step is to take the words "strict" and "construction" as written (or spoken?).
The second step is (isn't it?) to take words in their ordinary sense -- their common sense sense, so to speak.
Well, then, the third step is clear: If judges are to avoid putting themselves into the words of the law -- and they are to follow the words of their law rather than their personal and subjective views of the meanings of those words --, they should turn to dictionaries and thesauruses (thesauri?) to ascertain the ordinary meaning of words. Right?
Well, then, let's use that method now.
[I leaf through my thesaurus.]
Can "strict" mean "harsh" and "construction," "fabrication"? So Miers favors harsh fabrication of the law? Mmm, I don't want to use her private intentions to construe her words, but, still, this -- "harsh fabrication" -- doesn't sound quite right.
[I leaf through my thesaurus again.]
Aha! I have it! By "construction" she means "interpretation" and by "strict," she means "crabbed." So Miers favors a crabbed interpretation of the law. A strict construction of her comments proves this.
While blogging here, I just heard President Bush say (in a news conference) that Miers shares his judicial philosophy. I confess I didn't realize that Bush has a judicial philosophy. Is it originalism? Does he favor the Court's use of the evolving standards of civilized nations to interpret the Constitution? Is Bush in favor of a natural law approach to the Bill of Rights? Well, time will tell, more or less. Yes? No?
Even if he [Carswell] was mediocre, there are a lot of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren't they, and a little chance? We can't have all Brandeises and Cardozos and Frankfurters and stuff like that there.Warren Weaver, Jr., Carswell Attacked and Defended as Senate Opens Debate on Nomination, N.Y. TIMES, March 17, 1970, at 21.
Whether South Carolina's rule governing the admissibility of third-party guilt evidence violates a criminal defendant's constitutional right to present a complete defense grounded in the Due Process Confrontation, and Compulsory Process Clauses?See Holmes v. State, 2005 WL 770655 (March 31, 2005)(petition for writ of certiorari) and Holmes v. South Carolina, -- S.Ct. --, 2005 WL 770216 (Sept. 27, 2005)(granting petition for question stated above).
Holmes raises a variety of issues. Some of the issues in the case involve the razzle dazzle of forensic science, including DNA evidence and palmprint evidence. But such razzle dazzle is peripheral to the main issues presented by Holmes' successful petition for Supreme Court review; the important issues are quite traditional and have little or nothing to do with technology.
Try as it might -- and try it probably will -- the Supreme Court will not be able to entirely avoid two broad questions:
1. What is the relationship between the due process guarantee of fair trial -- which, the Court has said or suggested, encompasses a guarantee of trial rules and procedures that are likely to produce a high degree of factual accuracy in criminal trials -- and nonconstitutional rules of evidence. (Some members of the Court may fall prey to the temptation to refer with scorn to the proposition [advanced by whom?] that the due process clause constitutes a code of evidence.)Other grand issues -- even broader than the two I have just mentioned -- are presented by Holmes. But I will restrain myself and I will not mention them now. But I feel compelled to mention one additional question. Holmes does arouse (in my breast) one nagging suspicion or question:2. Does the due process guarantee of proof beyond a reasonable doubt have any meaning in the absence of constitutional rules guaranteeing that an accused will have an opportunity to submit evidence of innocence if such evidence meets some threshold of probative value? (Some members of the Court may fall prey to the temptation to rely again on the hypertechnical argument that the due process guarantee of proof beyond a reasonable doubt standard speaks only to the way that the trier of fact should evaluate admissible evidence, and not to the question of the kinds of exculpatory evidence that must be admitted in a criminal trial. [The theory here is: The scales are heavily tilted against the prosecution but the reasonable doubt requirement does not prohibit the prosecution from preventing the accused from placing some of his heavy stones on the scales of justice.])
What is the true reason for the persistent tendency to impose sharp limitations on attempts by criminal defendants to show their innocence by introducing evidence of the guilt of third persons? Are these limitations imposed to avoid the waste of time and resources? Or do the restrictions on such evidence grow out of the fear that juries will often -- too often -- find such evidence persuasive?But if the last reason is the true motivation for restrictions of third-person guilt, is the fear justified? Why should jurors have any more difficulty assessing this sort of evidence than they have assessing any other sort of exculpatory evidence?
The suspicion that juries will fall prey to manufactured evidence of third-person guilt is puzzling: juries as well as judges can and will use their common sense and their ingrained skepticism when they evaluate "admissions" of guilt by jailbirds and other suspicious characters. So what accounts for the unusually stringent limitations on such exculpatory evidence?
Is the persistent suspicion of evidence of third-person guilt somehow rooted in an unspoken belief that assessment of such evidence normally involves after-the-fact assessments of failure to investigate and that such post hoc assessments of whether an investigative road not taken should have been taken are very, very difficult, so difficult that triers such as jurors will make too many mistakes about such questions?
E-Mailed University Announcement, September 16, 2005
University President XXXXXX announced on September 14, 2005 that Dean YYYYYYY has been reappointed as dean.
E-Mail Message from Law School Administrator
to Law School Faculty, September 23, 2005
I quote two provisions from our rules:
In the fall of the fifth year of a Dean's original appointment, the faculty shall consider whether to recommend to the President that the Dean be reappointed. Reappointment shall be recommended if a majority of all faculty member eligible to vote on original appointments to the faculty vote to recommend reappointment. The Dean shall be recused for the purpose of this vote...END OF UNIVERSITY AND LAW SCHOOL MESSAGESA meeting to consider reappointment shall be scheduled for 4:00 PM on the second academic Tuesday in October of each year in which the faculty is required to consider the Dean's reappointment. The chairperson of the faculty appointments committee shall chair the meeting and shall inform the President of the faculty's recommendations.
This is indeed the fall of the fifth year of YYYY's appointment as Dean. We have a faculty meeting already noticed for Tuesday, October 11, and this matter will be put on the agenda for that meeting.
There are various possible explanations for the above sequence but, whatever they are, it is probably safe to assume that the vote of the law faculty on October 11 on the reappointment of Dean YYYYY will be a formality. In any event, why should the trial precede the judgment? What a silly idea.
It is time for a conference on the visualization of evidence and inference in and for legal settings such as trials, pretrial investigation, and prelitigation investigation. Yes? No?
Visualization is important for a great variety of purposes. It is important, for example, for effective effective persuasion (lawyers tend to call this "advocacy"). It is also important for the intelligibility of complex evidential argument (and little if any real-world evidential argument, or factual inference, is simple). Visualization also facilitates the ability of people to recall large quantities of evidence. Visualization may also be a good window into the workings of the mind.
N.B. Sightless people are capable of certain forms of visualization, no? A good question then is, "What, precisely, is (are) this (these) thing (things) called 'Visualization'?"
... Why do we lie so readily? The answer: because it works. The Homo sapiens who are best able to lie have an edge over their counterparts in a relentless struggle for the reproductive success that drives the engine of evolution. As humans, we must fit into a close-knit social system to succeed, yet our primary aim is still to look out for ourselves above all others. Lying helps. And lying to ourselves--a talent built into our brains--helps us accept our fraudulent behavior.Passport to Success
If this bald truth makes any one of us feel uncomfortable, we can take some solace in knowing we are not the only species to exploit the lie. Plants and animals communicate with one another by sounds, ritualistic displays, colors, airborne chemicals and other methods, and biologists once naively assumed that the sole function of these communication systems was to transmit accurate information. But the more we have learned, the more obvious it has become that nonhuman species put a lot of effort into sending inaccurate messages.
... [But] our talent for dissembling dwarfs that of our nearest relatives by several orders of magnitude.
If anyone out there reads this blog, please tell me: What are some of the major evidentiary issues or issues of evidentiary policy that will arise from the widespread loss of judicial records, case files, interview notes, reams of documents, the death of witnesses, and the like?
(i) many people and organizations share the blame for the bungled evacuation and rescue efforts, and(ii) the failure to bolster the infrastructure of New Orleans against possible flooding was the result of literally decades of neglect?
Here's a tip from the experts: If you're in New Orleans when the "Big One" hits, have a lifeboat handy. Some scientist[s] warn that the right hurricane--a tropical cyclone with at least 74-mile-per-hour winds--could strike the Gulf Coast in a way that would hurl millions of gallons of water to turn the city known as the Big Easy into the Big Soup Bowl....A major flood could submerge much of central New Orleans beneath 20 feet of water, leaving many of the metropolitan area's 1.3 million residents clinging to rooftops--a prospect that has engineers and city planners scrambling for defensive strategies. "It's the luck of the draw," says hurricane expect Hugh Willoughby at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NDAA). He thinks it's a matter of when--not if--the Big One will pound New Orleans During some annual hurricane season between June and November.
The perfect storm could ... strike New Orleans east of the city, with gale-force winds blowing south, shoveling water from Lake Pontchartrain over the lake levees ....
2. "No one anticipated that the sun would swell thousands of times."
3. "No one could have anticipated that a volcanic eruption would take place directly below Gotham City."
4. "No one could have anticipated that the fusion reactor would go awry."
5. "No one could have anticipated that a massive hurricane would hit New York City."
6. "No one could have anticipated that a cluster of rapidly-moving neutron stars would rip the planets out of their orbits around the Sun."
7. "No one could have anticipated that rebels would commandeer a star ship and steer it into our country's capital city."
8. "No one could have anticipated that glaciers would start to grow at a rapid rate."
9. "No one could have anticipated that the sun would begin to cool at a rapid rate."
10. "We can anticipate that many public officials will say in years to come that colossal disasters were not anticipated and could not have been anticipated."
Consider the case of price gouging for food, water, or other essentials during an emergency. Price gouging is not blackmail (or even common law duress), no matter how extreme the price demand or desperate the needs of the victim. This is a difficult case for [Leo] Katz, for the price gouger can be made to seem a swine if we make the facts extreme enough. On the other hand, the case of the price gouger is an easy one to explain under some other theories. James Lindgren would explain that the price gouger is not a blackmailer because he is bargaining with his own rights. Robert Nozick would explain that price gouging is not blackmail because, on balance, the victim is better off for having the opportunity to buy necessities from the price gouger. But Katz's theory better describes our feelings about the price gouger than do these other two theories because it expresses our unease about the price gouger's behavior. Katz tells us that the question finally turns on whether the price gouger is committing a sufficiently grave immorality, and while from some moral perspectives he is not acting immorally (Lindgren's and Nozick's theories are evocative of some of the reasons), from other moral perspectives he is.See also Gregory R. Kirsch, Hurricanes and Windfalls: Takings and Price Controls in Emergencies (Note), 79 Va. L. Rev. 1235, 1236-1237 (1993)(footnotes omitted):
... Hurricane Andrew provides a "disaster context" for this Note's inquiry into the rules of price controls, emergency takings, and just compensation, and whether the rules encourage and facilitate effective disaster relief. Andrew struck South Florida on August 24, 1992, with 150 mph winds, destroying more than 60,000 homes and leaving as many as a quarter of a million people homeless. The victims' need for food, water, home-repair materials, and other necessities exceeded available supplies. The destruction of much of the public and private infrastructure exacerbated the shortages. As microeconomic price theory predicts, established merchants and opportunistic entrepreneurs began charging sharply higher prices. For example, sheets of plywood, each priced at eight or nine dollars before the hurricane, were selling for as much as sixty dollars per sheet after the hurricane and milk was selling for up to six dollars per gallon. To combat this "price gouging," state and local officials enacted emergency laws prohibiting sellers from charging more than prehurricane prices. Four days after Andrew passed over South Florida, the federal government sent in troops to provide food and shelter.When disasters such as hurricanes strike, most Americans expect the government to intervene where markets fail to provide basic necessities. In this century, the federal government has enacted emergency price controls during three wars, during a period of high inflation, and during periods of turmoil in the petroleum markets. The federal government also conducted major takings programs during both World Wars to obtain the materiel necessary for the prosecution of war.
When prices rise quickly, price controls are an appealing "quick fix." But it is well known that price controls are likely to result in shortages, queues, and black markets. Because price controls may not be an effective solution to market failures, the government may choose instead to buy or take (i.e., requisition) needed goods and distribute them to the public (or, as in wartime, consume them itself). Thus, takings and price controls are alternative modes of emergency market intervention.
Do you suppose the attorney will say the same thing when the prosecution offers DNA evidence against a client represented by that attorney?
The statement is a nice example of rhetoric that trades on its literal accuracy but misleads. To wit: It is literally true that DNA cannot (as far as we know) intend to affirm the truth of a statement that it believes to be false -- or vice versa; but it is not true that DNA evidence is incapable of falsely pointing to innocence -- or, for that matter, guilt. See, e.g., Tillers on Evidence and Inference August 27, 2005.
Hundreds of cases dating back a decade or more may hang in the balance if investigators confirm that a civilian forensic examiner at the Army Criminal Investigation Laboratory falsified DNA test results.The examiner on June 2 admitted making a false entry on a control sample used during one DNA examination, the Army Criminal Investigation Command, or CID, disclosed Friday.
The lab, at Fort Gillem, Ga., is now reviewing 479 or more cases the accused examiner has worked on since he began in 1995, the CID said.
1. To predict how judges and jurors will resolve issues in litigation.The paper discusses the distinctive characteristics of these various purposes from a legal perspective.
2. To devise methods that can replace existing methods of argument and deliberation in legal settings.
3. To devise methods that mimic conventional methods of argument in legal settings.
4. To devise methods that support or facilitate existing, or ordinary, argument and deliberation in legal settings by mathematically illiterate actors such judges, lawyers, and jurors.
5. To devise methods that would capture some but not all ingredients of argument in legal settings about factual questions or legal questions.
6. To devise methods that perfect – that better express, that improve the transparency of – the logic or logics that are immanent, or present, in existing ordinary inconclusive reasoning about uncertain hypotheses that arise in legal settings.
7. To devise methods that have no practical purpose – and whose validity cannot be empirically tested – but that (ostensibly) serve to advance understanding of the nature of inconclusive argument about uncertain hypotheses in legal settings.
The Social Science Research Network is pleased to announce the establishment of a new Legal Scholarship Network journal devoted to showcasing the work of scholars who have been in teaching for forty years or more. Edited by Professors Greer Griench and Gary Giezer, the Old Scholars Law Abstracts provides a forum for posting both completed works and works in progress on any subject relating to law.
This Journal provides aging law teachers an avenue for locating decrepit peers working in the same substantive area of scholarship. We hope that this Journal will also be of interest to dis-appointments committees and junior scholars in Venice.
To subscribe to Old Scholars Law Abstracts, please go to http://hq.ssrn.com, where you will find a short registration process. If you have any problems with this process, please consult your personal medical assistant.
Wesley White
Director emeritus (h.c.), Legal Scholarship Network
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In the civil context, the import of the "inference upon inference" rule has largely been eroded. See Salter v. Westra, 904 F.2d 1517, 1525 (11th Cir. 1990); Cora Pub, Inc. v. Cont'l Cas. Co., 619 F.2d 482, 485-86 (5th Cir. 1980); see also N.Y. Life Ins. Co. v. McNeely, 52 Ariz. 181, 79 P.2d 948, 955 (Ariz. 1938) (setting forth a construction of the rule that has been adopted in numerous jurisdictions); 1A John Henry Wigmore, Evidence in Trials at Common Law Section 41 (Tillers rev. 1983) (criticizing the rule in both contexts as "fallacious and impracticable"). In criminal cases, however, its common-sense dictate continues to bear currency. While some courts have rejected a mechanistic interpretation of the rule, n3 we find its underpinnings to be sound, arising as they do from the requirement that the government bears the burden to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt. The government may satisfy this burden, in whole or in part, through the use of circumstantial evidence open to interpretation by the jury. Inferences are necessary and indeed proper in a criminal trial, and "a jury has wide latitude to determine factual issues and to draw reasonable inferences from circumstantial evidence." United States v. McCarrick, 294 F.3d 1286, 1293 (11th Cir. 2002). An inference is reasonable if it "flows from logical and probabilistic reasoning," i.e., with experience serving as the touchstone, a jury's inference is permissible where there is a reasonable probability that the conclusion flows from the facts in evidence. n4 Jones, 44 F.3d at 865. The rule that prohibits the stacking of inference upon inference merely indicates that at some point along a rational continuum, inferences may become so attenuated from underlying evidence as to cast doubt on the trier of fact's ultimate conclusion. In other words, "the chance of error or speculation increases in proportion to the width of the gap between underlying fact and ultimate conclusion where the gap is bridged by a succession of inferences, each based upon the preceding one." United States v. Shahane, 517 F.2d 1173, 1178 (8th Cir. 1975).Although the 10th Circuit didn't get absolutely everything right -- the strength of an inference based on a series of inferences is not as dependent on the number of inferences as the 10th Circuit imagines -- there is much to be said for the approach that the 10th Circuit takes. The 10th Circuit's approach tells judges that when evaluating the strength or sufficiency of evidence (at least in criminal cases) they must decompose the foundation of a final inference into a series of inferences upon which such a final inference rests and judges must then assess the strength or force of the entire chain (I would say "complex") of inferences. There is wisdom -- and valuable inferential discipline -- in this approach; the existence of pyramided inferences is not a myth.While preserving the "inference upon inference" rule in this circuit, we see little tension between our understanding of its import and that espoused in the cases noted above. Nor have our previous cases employed a formalistic approach to the operation of the rule. ...
Like many courts that have addressed the issue, we do not foreclose the possibility that a reasonable inference built on yet another reasonable inference may in some cases sustain a conviction. However, we believe the "inference upon inference" rule serves as an appropriate signpost, cautioning reviewing courts to measure the "gap" between fact and conclusion before acquiescing in the jury's leap.