Sunday, March 10, 2013

(Even) Harvard University May Read Your (Its Staff's) E-Mail

RICHARD PÉREZ-PEÑA, Harvard Searched E-Mails for Source of Media Leaks NYTimes (March 9, 2013).

You had better watch out...
The dynamic evidence page

Evidence marshaling software MarshalPlan

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Extract: "IN A TENSE Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) meeting this afternoon, Michael D. Smith, the dean, revealed that additional 'concerning actions'—further investigations of e-mail accounts—had been undertaken last fall during the Administrative Board (AB) review of student cheating on a final exam in the spring of 2012. ...

For a detailed accounting of these newly discovered investigations, Smith turned to dean of Harvard College Evelynn M. Hammonds, who chairs the Ad Board—with whom Smith had issued his March 11 statement (read the full March 11 statement here). She revealed that she had authorized two additional investigations, with clearance from the Office of the General Counsel, but without notifying Smith that she done so. Her statement was accompanied by repeated apologies; she acknowledged 'serious mistakes.'"